Thursday, 14 August 2008

Roger Hilton in Cambridge

This looks like a corkingly good exhibition, and one that I will struggle to get to but anyone with an interest in British twentieth century art should make a beeline to Kettle's Yard for the Roger Hilton exhibition. As The Guardian states, Hilton was "one of the very best" of the last century, and this show has some of his very best work, a view shared by John Russell Taylor's excellent review in The Times. Hilton's work rewards revisiting, as you uncover hidden wit and depth in his joyful canvases of pure colour and movement: just being around Hilton's work makes me want to leap about in the spirit of his famous Oi Yoi Yoi. Not only that, you can chill out in probably the most divine house interior in the country, checking out the work of Hilton's forerunner, Ben Nicholson.